Sunday 19 October 2008

Badger in rehearsal

I had a lovely rehearsal last Sunday with Ratty, Moley, Toad and myself. Under the direction of the inestimable Damon, we worked through the scenes in Act 1. Ratty is already a rounded character and is the perfect master of ceremonies to lead the audience through the world created in "Wind in the Willows" In Alan Bennett's script, Mole becomes the favourite companion of all the creatures and in Kelly's performance will certainly do the same with the audience. Mark is a wonderful Toad and is almost as difficult to keep in check as an actor as the character is in the play. He is full of energy and invention and ideas just bubble forth in an almost constant stream. The Best Beloved appeared as Albert the horse and threatens to be something of a scene stealer herself. Albert is a pure Alan Bennett creation but lives up to the standards set by Kenneth Grahame.
Badger, played by yours truly, sounds an awful lot like Stephen Fry as General Melchett in "Blackadder Goes Forth". I don't think this is a bad thing but was somewhat unexpected.
This week we are choreographing the trial (action but few lines for Badger) and the battle of Toad Hall, two of the major set pieces, and it promises to be hard work but a lot of fun. Damon is highly skilled at getting a large cast to be creative as well as active. His intention is that we should own the scenes rather than have moves imposed upon us. Tallyho, what, what!

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