Sunday, 14 September 2008

Havant Literary Festival

We have got the whole family and a large circle of friends involved in the Havant Ghost Walk taking place on Friday 26th September. The blurb says not 100% accurate but 100% entertaining. The Best Beloved and I are the storytellers and the children/friends are the spooky effects providers. I am still one story behind and the Best Beloved completed one story yesterday. She has still to tweak stories to her own style but she is definitely ahead of me. I should have spent this morning writing the story in time for the rehearsal this evening but instead have written my blog and updated my Facebook. She is not the least bit competitive but I can't say the same holds true for me.
We are doing a couple of storytelling sessions for pre-school children on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of the festival. I am a great fan of Neil Griffiths and so am hoping to base my style on him. We are hoping to have chosen the stories by Tuesday so we can rehearse them before the event. The Best Beloved and I are both blessed with the skill of being good sight readers but this sometimes encourages us to be deadliners, whereas a little preparation would have moved the performance from good to excellent.
The Havant Literary Festival website is The website is worth a visit and I hope many of you will also visit the festival itself. This is the first literary festival mounted in Havant and the wealth of talent garnered by our director, Lucy Flannery, is excellent. It is a real festival with lots of events, big and small, overlapping and catering for all sorts of interests.
The Best Beloved and I are also involved with "The Art of Wodehouse" by Tony Ring on the Saturday, 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. I am master of ceremonies and we are providing the voices for the readings. This means something else we need to rehearse and practise before the event. We will wonder what to do with ourselves when the festival is over. Oh no, I will have to prepare the accounts as I am the festival Treasurer. And there is also the rehearsals for Wind in the Willows at the Havant Arts Centre in December and planning for the touring company in 2009.